Seedling number 1275. Parentage: unnamed Saunders Little Reds Hybrid F2 pollinated by MISS AMERICA. First bloomed about 1980. Single to Japanese type flower form comprised of about 15 petals, strongly cupped, and remaining so until petal fall. Bloom size to four inches, with rounded petals up to two inches wide. Predominant hue a reddish coral (RHS 44D), centered by a prominent swirl of filamentous pale yellow stamens, nearly staminodal. Typical of seedlings with similar parentage, petals have a bluish (blue-ish) toned white blotch on the reverse side, though in this case it is narrow and small. Pollen apparently absent, no seeds so far noted. Carpels averaging four in number, green, sparsely covered with white hairs. Stigmas reddish pink (RHS 47D). Foliage yellow-green, narrow pointed leaflets with tendency to ruffled margins. Low medium height bush (28-30 inches), upright to slightly spreading, retains shape during flowering and throughout the season. Blooms midseason. No side buds. No fragrance. Named for originator’s mother.
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