Les Payonies-Bas
Biostimulants and peonies
khurtekant - - - Diseases, Growing them, bacillus amyloliquefaciens, bacteria, bio4safe database, biostimulants, chitosan, fulvic acids, humic acids, inorganic compounds, microbial, mycorrhizae, protein hydrolysates, seaweed plant extracts, trichoderma - 2A long road ahead
Peat, perlite, clay granules, lava or pebbles?
A hybridizing program
khurtekant - - - Hybridizing, hurtekant, hybridizing, intersectional, species - 0The long road ahead
Some like it hot
Long Yeong Nursery – Growing Exquisite Paeonia rockii
Longyeong paeonia rockii - - - User submitted - 0A Chinese nursery introducing itself
Netherlands peony season 2024
The Peony Society - - - Magazine, Boon, CNB, cut flower growers, FloraHolland, Holland, Laan, The Netherlands, Van der Jagt, Vernooy - 0A flower giant's peony season.
Organic Peonies – Off the beaten path
The Peony Society - - - Growing them, Magazine, People, Places, cut flowers, Holland, Netherlands, Organic growing, The Netherlands - 0Step into the unknown
Seed sowing of quad hybrid.
Peonies in warm climates.
khurtekant - - - Growing them, climate change, peonies, peonies in warm regions - 1Hot, hot, hot!
What peony species is this?
khurtekant - - - Peony descriptions, species, Hong De-Yuan, key to the species of paeonia, Paeonia species, peony species, species descriptions, Species Peonies International Network, SPIN - 0The endless battlefield
How to grow peonies
khurtekant - - - Editor's pick, Growing them, diseases, growing advice, recommended varieties - 0For those new to peonies...
As part of our ongoing quest for a long-term stored peony of good quality, here are the results of...
Hot hot hot
Investing in exclusive peony cultivars: the Scholten brothers
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, People, Jeremy Scholten, Joshua Scholten, Peony Shop Holland, The Netherlands - 0Mass production of hybrids
Peonies of the Caucasus and Iran
khurtekant - - - Editor's pick, species, Armenia, Azerbaidzjan, Caucasus, Crimea, Georgia, Iran, Paeonia species, Russia - 1From the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea
A long term storage experiment, year 4
khurtekant - - - Growing them, Magazine, cut flowers, peony storage, ULO - 5Trials and tribulations
Peonies of Turkey
khurtekant - - - Editor's pick, Peony descriptions, species, paeonia, species, Turkey, Türkiye - 3Another Turkish delight
When missing a green thumb
Growing peonies in pots
Tony - - - Growing them, pots - 1For those without a garden
Six of them
Reviving an old dream
How to grow them in your garden
Searching for light at the end of the tunnel
How early can they go?
My growing experiences with peony species
Luriel - - - Peony descriptions, User submitted, species - 0Growing paeonia species from seeds
The 'King of Flowers'
Worth the extra effort.
Some Hybrid Peonies (by A.P. Saunders, 1941)
The Peony Society - - - Editor's pick, Hybridizing, hybridizing, saunders - 0A follow-up, 15 years in the making.
Those were the days...
Some new hybrid peonies (by A.P. Saunders, 1926)
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, Magazine, hybridizing, peonies, saunders - 0A.P. Saunders: his works, his words...
Peonies and ethylene
khurtekant - - - Growing them, Magazine - 0Do they come to fruition?
Early forcing of peonies (hoop houses and GA3)
khurtekant - - - Growing them, Magazine, cut flowers, early forcing, GA3, gibberellic acid, hoop house - 1Your mother wants them
Almost there...
The exploration of the unknown
Borst brings own cultivars
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, Magazine, People, cut flowers, Holland, hybridizing, Netherlands - 0From flower to flower
Peonies as field grown cut flowers in Alaska
The Peony Society - - - Editor's pick, Magazine, People, Places, Alaska, cut flowers - 0Cool flowers from the Land of the Midnight Sun. Article by Pat Holloway.
A "long term" experiment indeed
Fertile shrub hybrids: diploids or tetraploids?
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, hybridizing, moutan, Paeonia x suffruticosa, shrubby peony, tree peony, woody peony - 0Getting rid of the "lutea hook".
Peony breeding philosophy
Paul - - - Hybridizing - 6"Paeony" hybridizing in New Zealand.
The Fawn vs Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar
Pat Holloway's retirement project.
A favorite white: Amalia Olson
khurtekant - - - Magazine, Peony descriptions, double, lactiflora, white - 0Fragrance from heaven.
Large scale peony growing.
A better colour.
Carsten Burkhardt’s web project Paeonia
The Peony Society - - - Other, People, Carsten Burkhardt, cultivar database, hybridizing, library, saunders, species - 0Catholics: Rome, Muslims: Mekka, Peonistas: Paeon.de
Peonies on China TV
The Peony Society - - - Other, Places, FloraHolland, P. ludlowii, P. rockii, peony video, Pivoines Rivière - 0A Chinese video about peonies
Ultra Low Oxygen (ULO) storage of peonies
The Peony Society - - - Magazine, cutflowers, storage, ULO - 0Keeping them for weeks, and weeks, and weeks, and...
#thepeonysociety A lot has been done on the site, but it’s a never ending task. The latest thing we’ve...
Why do it yourself?
The hybridizers newsletter, published from 1970 through 2002, is now fully available.
The end of trial-and-error?
Paeonia species videos
The Peony Society - - - Magazine, Peony descriptions, Paeonia algeriensis, Paeonia broteri, Paeonia emodi, Paeonia japonica, Paeonia mascula, Paeonia officinalis, Paeonia parnassica, Paeonia peregrina, Paeonia tenuifolia, species - 0Paeonia species in their native habitat.
Ron Boekel "My Gardening Path" on ABC's Gardening Australia.
Bob Johnson writes about the peony varieties with the best red color
A lecture from A.P. Saunders, legendary peony hybridizer, in 1924 on the growing of peonies.
The cutflower behemoth's peony experiences.
Twice the fun.
Foliar nematodes – the movie
khurtekant - - - Diseases, Magazine, aphelenchoides fragariae, foliar nematodes, leaf nematodes, nematodes - 0The movie's just better than the book ;-)
Season’s overview 2018
khurtekant - - - Diseases, Magazine - 2The hall of fame and the hall of shame.
Just Peachy
khurtekant - - - Magazine, Peony descriptions - 1New, distinct and excellent.
Why lack of water is detrimental.
Both Early and Late Windflower have been growing here for several years. As many will know, they are extremely...
The peony Vanilla Schnapps is one of the very best peonies that can be found and one of my...
Don Hollingsworth is an American hybridizer who introduced many fine varieties and is well-known within the peony community for...
Pink double fernleafs
The Peony Society - - - Editor's pick, Hybridizing, hybridizing, Paeonia tenuifolia - 3Now for something very new and distinct: double pink paeonia tenuifolia cultivars.
F.C. Stern was the author of one of the most important publications about peonies with his "A study of...
Green Prozac
The Peony Society - - - Growing them - 0“Why should we join a peony society?” (this one, or any other), you might ask yourself. After all, you...
In the 19th century many peonies were bred in France and the UK, whilst the center of peony hybridizing...
Fun it may be to always discuss those new advanced hybrids, but they tend to come at a price....
An interview with Silvia Saunders.
A paeoneer.
P. coriacea is a species which grows in the mountains in both the south of Spain (Sierra Nevada) and...
Bill Seidl, a well-known American hybridizer of advanced herbaceous and tree hybrid peonies, passed away October 8th, 2016. I’ve...
A mutation from Rozella
khurtekant - - - Magazine, mutation, Rozella, sport - 2Something bizarre happened this year. As I was wandering through my fields of blooming peonies, I passed at a...
P. brownii
khurtekant - - - Magazine, Paeonia brownii - 6Last year I had the rare opportunity to buy a batch of P. brownii seeds, although with the warning...
Canary Brilliants
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 0Canary Brilliants is one the finest Itoh-hybrids. This one has been bred by Roger Anderson and was registered in...
Foliar nematodes in peonies
khurtekant - - - Magazine, aphelenchoides fragariae, foliar nematodes, Peony disease - 0Previously published in: Hurtekant, K. “Foliar Nematodes in Peonies.” In: The American Peony Society Bulletin, March 2014, no. 369,...
Red Windflower
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing - 2Peony Addicts, Red Windflower (RW) is registered — APS 1986-96 Checklist, pp 22,23. Sdlg 76LSW-3. Laddie x Sparkling Windflower,...
A very distinct peony with very beautiful foliage and nodding flowers. Very floriferous and fast growing. In the Peony...
Concordia Droysen
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 1A single-flowered yellow peony bred by Harald Fawkner. Superb plant, dark green foliage, tall upright stems, very floriferous. The...
White Vanguard
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 4A peony with wonderful flowers, but the stems are far too weak unfortunately.
Anybody can learn to hybridize peonies!
Buoy Master
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 0Buoy Master is a single white, bred by Harald Fawkner from Sweden, that is early. It stands up well...
Is it a step towards black or blue?
What's that different peony over there?
CF001 (PVLB)
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 0This selection from Pink Vanguard x Lavender Baby has potential as a cut flower.
Kato 002 (PVLB)
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 0One of the very best Pink Vanguard x Lavender Baby seedlings. Semi-double to double. Large flower. Sturdy upright stems,...
Grand Massive
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 0In our humble opinion this variety is currently the best early double white peony.
Grown together with P. daurica ssp. coriifolia, this one is clearly different,
Fedora mloko hybrid 001
khurtekant - - - Magazine - 0Grown from seed I’ve bought from Will McLewin, the mother plant was a mlokosewitschii-hybrid plant he named ‘Fedora-Mloko Hybrid’....