Seedling TF-10. Parentage: (P. tenuifolia ‘Plena’ x P. tenuifolia ‘Rosea’) F2. First bloomed 2013, first propagated 2014. Fully double BOMB form. Baby pink flowers are borne 1 to a stem, 3½ inches (9 cm) in size, up facing to slightly out facing. Four carpels on average which are glabrous to slightly tomentose, green and topped with whitish stigmas, the latter sometimes deformed. Disc poorly developed. No pollen. As a pod parent normally fertile but to date not with other pink P. tenuifolia. Faint scent as typical of P. tenuifolia. Blooming time very early, together with or slightly ahead of P. tenuifolia ‘Plena’. Finely cut foliage, pale green on emergence, is typical of the species. Average height to 16 inches (41 cm); support not needed. If compared to its sibling ‘Little Erna’, ‘Aunt Fritzi’ is a somewhat taller and bigger with flower shape slightly less refined and color not quite as soft. Named for originator’s aunt, sister of his mother.
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